Create high quality lessons for any language.
Openwords is a social enterprise. We believe education should be free and open source.
Instructors and schools control the content of lessons. You can also adopt lessons created by other instructors and universities.
Openwords has different learning modules. Including single word problems like hearing and simple review. We also have simple sentence construction problems, conjugation and fill in the blank problems. We're even working on a handwriting learning module for Chinese (utilizing the Wikimedia Stroke Order project!). As we (or the community) develop new learning modules or games, we can add them in.
Importantly the teacher will be free to express the curricula they desire.
The Openwords app has a minimalist design. We believe languages themselves are beautiful. We also want to bring the community into the design process as we refine our current design. We're happy to share more about our design concepts; we've thought deeply about these issues, but the process is open to you.
People having been working with us coming from different fields of informatics, design, language, management and many others.
Marc Bogonovich
Founder CEO
Roy (Geng) Niu
Director of Education & Curricula development
Shenshen Han
Curricula developers
Image by Zorglub (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Openwords has open educational content.
Help us improve our shared asset!
What language are you interested in?